Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Share ENGLISH_TEST_wondershare_susilawati_2312.032.exe - 6 MB

Are you a clever student? do you want to know your ability about English Skill?
here is the test to help you learn and measure your ability....
hope you Enjoy!

Please Download Here

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Share SUSI JMATCH.rar - 2 MB

matching the word with the sound,, to make your pronunciation became good, you may try my jmatch creation.. :)


Share jmixx shuzie.rar - 143 KB

do you like to make something like make food? here is the procedure to
make the food, you may get the step while play with my jmix  created,
hope you enjoy !!!!


Jumat, 10 April 2015


you may have some vocabulary to make your English as well.here some vocabulary with the creative version.don't think English difficult, because English is fun !!!

Minggu, 05 April 2015

Share jmix SUSILAWATI 6A.rar - 1 MB

hy guys.. if you have task or need material about Mixed-up sentence exercise, you may download this file directly with easy way.  _SUSILAWATI_6A.  JMIX please  download her

Share jcross susilawati 6A.rar - 308 KB

do you like fill in the puzzle, there are way more attractive and to increase your vocabulary with the play crossword. download here :  jcross susilawati_6A.

Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

The Effect of Using Small Group toward Student Reading Comprehension Skill on Narative Text


A.      Background of the Problem
English is one of the important subjects that should be mastered by the students. The students  have to realize that they need English to compete in this modern era. The English skills that should be mastered by the students are speaking, reading, listening and writing but reading as one of those basic skills have a crucial role in learning English because it is a fundamental skill that allows a person to be able to wide knowledge.
Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teacher should pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through reading, one can enhance experience, develop new concept, solve problem, and broaden his horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal growth and adopt the change in the world yet the importance of reading has not been realized by most of our society a large number of our population is classified as poor readers and the majority of the people are content to read materials of poor quality.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form is the most important element that the students must recognize, because the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material. Thus, reading with comprehension is only a way for the students to arrive at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is how to make them comprehend
Reading is an activity to get the information and the meaning of the text by involving the background knowledge. Background knowledge has been described as the main key to comprehend the text. Background knowledge or prior knowledge is defined as what someone already knows about the subject which helps him in gaining new information. The interaction with parents and other caregivers help them to establish what they think about the world and the things, including reading, school, and studying. So, the students need to integrate the new material into their existing knowledge base, construct the new understanding, and adapt the existing conceptions while they are reading the text.  
Comprehending the text is not an easy task. The students have to understand the meaning of vocabulary and the pattern of the sentences and the paragraphs.  Moreover, the students need to be engaged with their thought while they are reading. So that, reading is not a passive skill.[1] When the reader reads the text, they need to recognize and analyze the text. For instance, the students recognize the signal words which help them to relate the idea between sentence and paragraph. Then they have to analyze the text in order to find the information on it.
Based on the observation done by the researcher to the students and the interview with the English teacher in MAN Batumandi Tilatang Kamang, most of the students got problems in comprehending the reading texts. First, it was difficult for the students to comprehend the text because they have limited vocabularies. They got low grade in English test. It can be seen from the result of examination given by the teacher. They did not understand the most of meaning of vocabularies. Second, it was difficult for them to study independently . When they study about English especially comprehending the reading text individually, they do not understand the meaning of the text. They just received everything from the teacher. So, the students needed teacher to help them in studying. Without teacher, the students do not know anything. Therefore, they needed other friends to help them in understanding the text. Third, the students comprehended the text by translating word by word. When they found difficult words, they directly checked the meaning of the word from the dictionary. They had to combine word by word to get the idea from the text. When the teacher gave text to the students, they got the meaning by translating the sentences from the first word to the last word without understanding the meaning of these sentences and do not get the main idea when they read the text. The teacher always suggested the students to guess the ideas from the text, but they did not do what their teacher said. The last problem was related to the teachers’ techniques. The teacher asked the students to read the text, and then the teacher explained about the text type and the generic structure. After that, the teacher asked the students individually to answer the certain questions which are related to the reading text. Unfortunately, this way of teaching was not interesting for the students. Therefore, the students felt bored.
To prevent the students from getting bored and making them become interested in reading comprehension that the teacher needs to use the appropriate strategies or models, give motivation, making good condition in the class, and so on. In teaching reading comprehension of MAN Batumandi Tilatang Kamang, the teachers have to teach by using the conventional model (individual model). It means that the teacher asks students to study dependently. Therefore, the students are expected to have a good comprehension on reading text. The appropriate strategy or instructional model can influence the students to understand the text such as recount, procedure, explanation and narrative text. Many instructional models can develop reading comprehension; there are individual, pairs, small group, and large group and it depends on the class instructional objectives.[2]
In this research, the researcher uses instructional model of small group discussion to comprehend narrative text, because the students had learned narrative text in the previous semester. Small group discussion refers to a small group of people who thereby communicate face to face, in order to fulfill a common purpose and achieve a group goal.[3] Small group discussion allows everyone to be the participants. All members in the group can give and share their opinions. Students are often more comfortable in that group because the members in small group discussion consist of 5 members only.[4] They have opportunities and more time to share their information and opinion with others. The students can understand the ideas of the text easier because small group discussion can identify the gaps in knowledge. Different students have different assumption and argument about the text. So that, the ability of each students in a small group discussion can be seen and explored well by focusing on one text and by sharing the information and idea about the text to other member in their group. To increasing their vocabulary, they must write the difficult word in their lesson book and memorize that before they enter to the class and begin the lesson.
Base on the advantages of the small group strategy, the researcher assumed that the small group strategy can solve the students’ problem in reading above, therefore the researcher assumed that the small group strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension skill. Thus, the researcher was interested in conducting a research with the title: “The effect of using small group discussion towards studentsreading comprehension on narrative text at the first grade of MAN Batumandi Tilatang Kamang.”

[1] Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Longman.2004), P. 78
[2] [2] Linda Markstein, Developing Reading Skills Beginning, ( Heinle and Heinle Publishers, USA 1994), second edition
[3] Ernes Borman  G, Discussion And Group Methods Theory And Practice (New York: Harper & Row Publishers,Evanston, San Fransisco, London. 1975) P. 3
[4] Csete, Josie. Facilitating Small Group Discussions Educational Development Unit Lunchtime Topic.November 25, 1998.